Newsletter: Lessons From NYC Cab Riders About Point-of-Sale Asks 🚖 ; Burger King’s ‘Pride Whopper’ Brings Shame to the Chain 🍔 ; While Others Struggled, St. Jude’s Banked Nearly $1B in 2021 🤑

A working paper out of Stanford University's School of Business - and reported on in the Wall Street Journal - looked at millions of rides from NYC Yellow taxi cabs and how much riders tipped.

The research may help cause marketers develop better monetary asks for point-of-sale programs.

🚕 People like a menu of options. The golden number seems to be THREE options because while cabdriver tips increased by about 11 percent compared with having no menu at all, offering more than three didn't increase tips.

Lesson: Give shoppers a menu of donation options - but not more than three. KISS = keep it simple, silly.

🚕 You should push the envelope on how much you ask from people. When cab companies increased the three suggested tip amounts by just five percent, people tipped more!

Lesson: Don't be afraid to ask for a little more at the register. People will most likely give it to you! Experiment. See what works.

🚕 Yes, ask for a little more...but don't overdo it. "Setting a high default can be perceived as exploitative, leading to a backlash where passengers lower tips in protest," wrote the study's author.

✅ Lesson: If people feel exploited - surprise, surprise - they'll give you less or nothing at all!

🎁 Wrap-up Lessons: Give shoppers a menu of three options. No more, no less. Try asking for a little bit more than you usually ask for. But don't be greedy and ask for way more. People have their limits!

✍️ Partnership Notes

1. Wallpaper for a cause.

2. To celebrate Pride Month, Burger King Austria introduced a new ‘Pride Whopper’ 🍔 that you can order with two tops or two bottoms of buns.🤔

3. Interesting article: As Transphobia Intensifies, Pride Poses More Risks To Brands. Brand support for Pride can be complicated to navigate, for sure.

One thing that stuck out in this article for me was a mention of The Trevor Project.

"The organization now has 47 official Pride partners and expects to raise 17% more this year than in 2021. And its marketing team has swelled from a single person to a staff of 10."

Ten people on their marketing team?! Sounds like The Trevor Project is making the right moves.

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. To market your audience to a company you first need to know your audience. Here are the top 25 nonprofit survey questions.

2. The areas of collaboration that could be most improved between your partnership sales team and your marketing team.

3. I talked about calls-to-action in case studies last week. A nice follow-up is this resource from Rocket Social Impact 🚀: 10 recommendations for nonprofit CTA campaigns. I like #7: Define Priority Audiences & Engage them 360. It's all about focus and consistency, people!

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Associate Director, Account Management, Operation Warm, Remote

2. Corporate Relations Manager, Arkansas Foodbank, Little Rock, AR

3. Development Manager, Surge for Water, Remote ($55k - $65k)

4. Senior Program Manager, Corporate Fundraising Strategy, American Red Cross, Remote

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. An article that's critical of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and how they stashed away $886M in unspent revenue last year. Still, what are they supposed to do? Stop fundraising? Maybe a better idea is for them to use some of that money to share their successful fundraising expertise with other charities. That would be a true gift.💝

2. Do you ❤️ looking for new areas opportunities!? Me too! I have just the side gig for you... 🧀 🙃


Newsletter: 12 Stunning Things Partnership Teams Told Me Last Month 🙄 ; Study: Companies Are Lying About Their Giving 🤥 ; The Power of Handwritten Notes 💥✍️


Newsletter: Should Partnership Case Studies Include a Call to Action? 📣 ; Cause Marketing Contests Support ASPCA, USO 🐶 🫡 ; How to Create a Smart Donor Survey ✅