Seeing (RED)


The equation of mutual self-interest is balanced and some may question it, but it's time to get real. The traditional routes for giving are not sustainable over the long term and it's time for big business to step up to the plate and see for themselves that doing good is good business.  -- Bobby Shriver, CEO, (RED)

Bobby dropped me an email today--okay, me and a lot of other people--asking for suggestions on what we would like to see from (RED) and what other brands we would like involved.  You can give your feedback here, but my only suggestion would be to offer it soon in the US!  Currently the card is only offered in the UK.

Who wouldn't want to whip out one of these cool, red cards at the register?  (RED) is going to be huge Elle everywhere thanks to U2's Bono.

Update: Look who spent the day shopping in London with her new (RED) Amex.  Another good reason to sign-up--if you live in England.

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Turning (RED) into (GREEN)


Treasure in Trash